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UX Research, Design

Helping people collaboratively manage belongings of an elderly parent who has passed away

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1 months



UX Researcher

UX Designer

Content Designer

Usability Tester






Background & Overview

In MS:IPD Project 1, I was challenged with the topic of "Take care of your stuff". Discussing with my teammate Ankita, a professional product manager, we thought about how to design outside of the confines of the topic and create something truly unique and useful. 


So then we thought: what if it's not my stuff? Combining with our recent experiences with dealing belongings of grandparents that passed away, we thought: what if it's stuff left behind? 


Therefore, we came up with Sage. 


Introducing Sage, an AI-powered digital assistant designed to guide families through the intricate process of managing the belongings of an elderly parent who has passed away. Our platform addresses the critical need for clarity on information and communication surrounding managing property, assets, bank accounts, clothing, and other possessions left behind.

User Interviews

Asking the question:

What type of belongings do people need to take care of? How do they do that?

We then interviewed 5 users between age 50-60 who were key stakeholders in managing their parents belongings

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From which we grouped them into categories of similarities:


We transform the themes into Mad-libs, or need-and-because statement to help us narrow down ideas and then broaden from them:

Synthesizing between two Mad-libs that we considered most integral to belonging-management, we combined them into action:

Competitive Analysis

We researched across multiple industries and found that No belonging management and planning services exist, people usually seek a lot of services at the same time, plan and coordinate with family members using social applications (WhatsApp, WeChat etc.)

Idea Selection & Feature Prioritization

To execute HMW and differentiate from our competitors, we generated a handful of ideas from which we evaluated their Effort to Impact.

Amongst them, the “Step-by-step personal guiding process in planning” was rated with high impact and relatively medium effort.


*Design part to be updated!

User Flow

With the user flow constructed, we created the wireframes, tested and iterated on some general feedback to come up with the Mid-fi, where we continued with feedback. 

Design and Testing

From 4 usability testings, we synthesized a few key actionable insights:

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